Thursday 3 November 2011

Digipak Print Research 1- Arctic Monkeys, Favourite Worst Nightmare

The image of grey, bland council houses with colourful shapes/images through the windows is quite disjunctive to the title. However it could be argued that the colourful shapes represent dreams/nightmares which is linked to the title. The back shows the back of a house with the colourful images too. Inside the digipak shows the inside of the house and more detail of the colourful images. These show things such as scary/freaky faces, clowns and monsters, which suggest the do represent nightmares. The CD also follows the idea of strange images as it shows a man with his glasses on fire. The back of the digipak is plain dark grey with yellow track listings, this contrast with the other sides of the digipak. The design of the digipak would appeal to the target audience of this genre because it is quite quirky and different but focuses on the music (no distractions from the track listing). There isn't a big star image for this band because they are an indie band the focus is on the music however if their was a picture of them it would probably be of the whole band and show them with instruments or doing something strange.
The layout of the digipak follows the design of the house, the front of the digipak is the front of the house and the inside is the inside of the house etc. The font of the title and band name is sharp and eye catching however the track listings are in an average easy to read font. This could be because they want to show they are serious about the music, there is also no numbers for the tracks. Again this shows that it fits the genre as it is different to mainstream as it is fun/quirky but focuses on the music.
The details on the digipak include the bar-code, recording label details such as name, address and website and also shows the copyright and band website. There is no reviews, this could be because they want to show they don't care what others think. The target audience is 15-30 year olds that are indie. They would be attracted to the disjunctive image and quirkiness of the digipak. 
This digipak is quite entropic which is appropriate to the target market because they like to show they are different to others.
Digipak covers are still important even though most people download their music because the indie market tend to like a hard copy of the music because they want to show they are a loyal fan. Also the target market for indie does include some older audience members that still prefer CDs. Also, the front cover at least still needs to look interesting, different and appealing because it shows on the display for iTunes. 

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